Delete Sitejet Tickets

I couldn’t find an option to delete tickets. Does this feature exist?

I have many system tickets for a discontinued website. Would it be in your best interest if I deleted them (and free up hosting space)?

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Hey Naz,

Under “Manage Team” and “Settings” you are able to disable these notifications :slight_smile:

Hi @Andre I’m specifically asking about deleting tickets.

This is because existing tickets will remain as outstanding in the left widget.

There’s a bug with the ticket system. Please watch:

The actions I show have been attempted with a view of 1, 5,10 tickets; sometimes it works, and often it doesn’t. It mainly only seems to work when I do 1 by 1. Which is time-consuming for 100+ tickets.

Hey Naz,

did you record the screencast without sound?

Ah bugger, I had the wrong microphone selected @Andre

The context is that the dashboard is very slow and does not recognise or represent the change of closed tickets.

You’ll see me tick (confirm as finished) multiple tickets (from a selection of 50).

You’ll see through the video I am patient, I mark all 50 tickets as done, scroll down to show the ones at the bottom are eventually ticked (by the platform) and then when I scroll up, the top ones no longer have the tick.

I then continued to wait to see the green notification alert on the right stating that the individual tickets had been marked as finished.

Once all these notifications clear, after some time there is no change to the number of outstanding tickets on the left submenu.

I then refresh the page, but the number of outstanding tickets shown on the left sub-menu still remains the same.

Hey Naz, let me try and reproduce that in another account and if you are okay, I will try in your as well? Until now I was not able to have the same issue.

Sure, go ahead @Andre.
The recording was on the 50 tickets option.

Going back to the primary question, it would be ideal if there was a delete function.

Hey there,

So I was able to reproduce that for the website with 50+ and 100+ tickets bulk removing. I have forwarded this to the developers.

20 tickets at once work perfectly fine, so that would be a workaround right now. Will let you know what we found out.

Good to know @Andre

Returning to the first question, is there an option to delete tickets?

In the longer term, if we wanted to understand the demand from a client, it’s harder to do if we can’t filter from system messages.

Hey Naz,

Firstly, it seems you had a lot of system notifications there. If those bugger you, you can disable them :slight_smile:

Secondly, when you set a ticket to finished, they actually get removed only out of the ticket view, but let me check with a colleague if we have another possibility.

There is no filter feature for the tickets per se. The system is designed to get in a request / to-do and then actually work on that and set it to finished. I know that some Sitejetters use the note feature a lot as well. And of course the onboarding / design ideas in the Customer Portal.

But, if you have clear ideas to improve the system, I would really love to see a feature request with those.

Do you like to set the original question as a feature request?