[CW 41.2024] Please welcome Asia-based hosting to Sitejet

Hey Sitejetters,

We have an awesome end-of-the-week announcement: Sitejet now offers Asia-based hosting! :earth_asia:

What does that mean? :thinking:

Well, I’m glad you asked! It means that website visitors from Asia, Australia, or the Pacific region will now be connected to our servers in Asia which results in faster loading times for the Sitejet platform and all websites hosted with Sitejet :tada:

What do I need to do to use the Asia-based servers?
Nothing! We already did everything! :wink:

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions :slight_smile:

Have a wonderful Friday and a lovely weekend :blush:
The Sitejet Team


So how can I check if my websites running in Dubai, UAE are on Asia servers for better performance?

The websites are served depending on the location of your website visitor. Unfortunately, I cannot give you a way to test this. It’s just how our hosting works.

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