Server location: Central Asia

After EU and USA , please try to cover a server location in Central Asia , a place which is central to the whole region . My recommendations : Singapore or India


Please put on Singapore! :slight_smile:


Dubai will be best to cover Asia Region.


Yes. Please, add Server in Central Asia. Thank you.


Do we have any ETA on Asia or Pacific coverage with CDN?


I second this. :slight_smile:


We will check in the new year how many active users are located in Asia.

Bring your friends and family to Sitejet to support this feature request :slight_smile:

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Any progress on this or Australian servers?

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Hey there,

I will bring this up in the next product meeting, and we review the user and usage traffic for these countries. We will update you here shortly.


Ok thank mate!

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Yes, very late to this thread but in order to give it a bump up… Asian, or ideally, Australian servers would be greatly appreciated. I love the system, but the lag here in Australia is real… enough to make it not usable for my team or clients. Which is a huge shame!

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[quote=“Info1, post:11, topic:967, full:true”]
Yes, very late to this thread but in order to give it a bump up… Asian, or ideally, Australian servers would be greatly appreciated. I love the system, but the lag here in Australia is real… enough to make it not usable for my team or clients. Which is a huge shame!

Hey there @Info1 , just checking on this. Have you tried cPanel or Plesk as an alternative?

Hey @Andre - I was trying to work out how to access it in cPanel, but it doesn’t seem to be available with my host. Or is it something I can add myself?

Probably not. Well, then either you are able to switch the hoster or you go with our Sitejet Studio version. And we have already added your voice to our feature request as well :slight_smile: