cPanel | Siteject publishing hung due to 500 errors on and caused web site outage for over 27 minutes

this happened last night
error 500 appeared in log on the first request
at 2024-05-15 04:59:38 +10 GMT
and ended at 2024-05-15 05:20:14 +10 GMT
The whole publishing of a tiny 5 page site took 1639 s (which is almost half an hour).

See full log file here:

cpanel support has no clue what it was and could not comment on that. Obviously there was a server outage.
How ofted do such outages occur? How do you resolve this? Do you have a server uptime page in case it happens again ?

The published website was down for over 27 minutes and returned 404 due to hang publishing process.

By the way, is this normal for a published site page to be unavailable during publishing ? does sitejet delete content (removes index.php files) before saving new versions ??
It takes 10 minutes for our 5-page site to get published and it always causes 404 errors on site pages during this process.

att. @Andre , @Martin

Hey @alexshel

Thank you very much for the report. I have forwarded this internally.

How ofted do such outages occur? How do you resolve this? Do you have a server uptime page in case it happens again ?

We do have a statuspage here: but the focus is more on Sitejet Studio.

I will get in touch with our CTO to check on this.

A website published on cPanel is not down while Sitejet has an outage because all the files were synchronized before.

It is more likely that there were some networking issues in the Data Center.

Regarding the removal of files during the publishing process we will ask the respective team to get more info about the process.

That it takes 10 minutes sounds quite long. Usually it should only be a matter of seconds, especially if all images and media files have already been synchronized beforeā€¦