Change color on the header overlay color

Hi, I have a problem. I can`t find where to change the overlay color of the header image. It changes according to which colors I choose as the primary color and secondary color. But I do not want one of these as an overlay color. I use the INFLUENCER template.

Hi! It looks like the overlay for the top header is done through CSS, and is generated dinamically based on the following colors: color-user-1, color-secondary, color-primary

You can change the gradient to what you want (changing the CSS) from the Assets Manager → CSS

Hope this helps!

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Thanks, I’m not very good at coding, but I’ll try :grinning:

I set all three to Color-user-3, but it seems to only work for the background in the middle, but not the header and footer. Do you have any tips on what I might be doing wrong?

Hi! I don’t know what you’ve changed, but here are all the locations in the CSS for the overlays:

  1. Header overlay: line 200

  2. Middle container: line 33

  3. Footer: line 132

Hope this helps!

Thank you! I now learned something new, that I do not see the whole code before i click on the arrows to the left of the code to see all the lines.

As I said before, I do not have much experience with coding so I learn a lot of new things all the time :grin:

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