I remember reading a while back that there was a way to add the website templates gallery to our website for clients to view, while also keeping it white-labeled. I can’t find the info on how to do this. Please help me out here.
I remember reading a while back that there was a way to add the website templates gallery to our website for clients to view, while also keeping it white-labeled. I can’t find the info on how to do this. Please help me out here.
Hi! Here is the info on to embed the Website Templates Whitelabel - Sitejet Help
Hope this helps!
Thanks for that. But I have a question. I visited the link to see how it looks before I add it to my site and noticed a couple of things. (see screenshot)
What’s up with that?
Hi! Yes, this is happening because of the Cookiebot Consent Script.
Cookiebot blocks all the requests until you allow the cookies.
This problem is global on the entire Sitejet website (since they adopted Cookiebot).
For instance, the Blog (which is Collection based) is not loaded until you accept the cookies.
So wouldn’t it make more sense to host that template gallery on a more generic domain like the one you guys use for webmail? And what of the issue of only one template showing?
Yes. I guess the Sitejet Team should think about this (maybe @Andre can respond to this).
If you accept the cookies, it should load all the templates (maybe a refresh would be necessary).
Sorry. I thought you were part of the Sitejet team.
@Andre What do you think about my idea to move the template directory off to a generic domain so that if we include it in an iFrame on our site, that SiteJet Cookie popup won’t appear? If do you have a way to disable the Cookie popup from showing on that particular page? Of course, you would need to make sure that all the site templates show even if there is no Cookie popup to approve. Please let me know what you think, or how you do plan to resolve this issue. Thanks!
Hey @STEVE_SOLER thanks for marking me here.
I will discuss this with our developers. However, I like to check if this is implemented correctly. Could you please send us an email to help@sitejet.io with the website ID and the link to this forum post?
Thank you.
@Andre I don’t have a Sitejet website ID. I’m planning on embedding the template gallery on an external site I’m building outside of Sitejet with good ol’ HTML, CSS & JS. I don’t want to use up one of my allotted Sitejet hosted sites for myself. Saving those for clients. So when I checked the URL Template Showroom - Sitejet and noticed that Cookie Banner with prior blocking, I was baffled as to why Sitejet would activate such a thing on a page that its clients are embedding via iFrame on their own website. UNLESS the Cookie banner doesn’t show when the page is presented via an iFrame? What do you think? I don’t have time to test that right now. Can you let me know? Thanks.
Hi @Andre. Any update on my previous post?
Hi Steve,
I will check with our developers. Let me get back to you, when I know more. Feel free to still send me the email with more information about which side this is on etc.
Thank you.
I’m not putting it on any site until I get confirmation that the issues has been fixed. Waiting on you guys. Thanks.
Hi @STEVE_SOLER I have checked this with our head of webdesign, and we are about to exclude the consent banner in the code. You will be able to use the template showroom on an external site too.
Will give you an update shortly when this is done.
@STEVE_SOLER The issue should be solved. Can you please check this with a cleared browser cache or in incognito mode on your side as well?
Perfect! Thanks for this. Works great! But, I almost instantly caught a couple of things that are worth pointing out. Please let me know if you want these in a separate post, or if you can have these taken care of. Thanks!
Hey @STEVE_SOLER - Thanks for pointing out that typo. Which template is that exactly?
In regard to the email - we already are about to change these mails soon for all templates globally.
I see you guys updated those email addresses. Nice! As for that typo, it can be found on the GC Agency template. Thanks!
Hey there,
Thank you! Forwarded this to the respective person to adjust