What tutorials would benefit you the most?

Hey SiteJetters!

I have a quick question for you all.

If you could wave a magic wand and make your biggest obstacle working in SJ go away (design, functionality, integrations, etc), what would that be?

Or, if you could have a tutorial video on anything you wanted in SJ, what would that be?

Thanks for answering in advance!


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Hi Zach,

just like that (without too much reflection :wink:): 2 topics that were raised before on this forum:

Iā€™d favour anything that improves our efficiency overall (in relation with clients and all phases of the project, from design to build to maintenance) or elements that are needed to follow developments on the market (also technical ones).

kind regards

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Hello. For me : how to build a proper mobile menu with opened/closed state submenus (on click).


I would appreciate a tutorial about how to use flex box settings (as I am non coder and messing a clear understanding of what setting will cause which reaction)


Would this game maybe help you, @Barbara_Bichler Flexbox Froggy - A game for learning CSS flexbox

That is how I learned it and actually most of the time never needed the flexbox settings.

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:heart_eyes::heart_eyes: this may actually be a good tool for me to learn italian as well as honing flexbox skillz

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