Web Hive - First Project Completed

What a rush, and what an awesome experience to work with Sitejet!
:smiley: :upside_down_face: :star_struck: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :sunglasses:

Web Hive is my first site made from scratch, using the blank template, in order for me to learn as much as possible from the start.
It is minimalistic in a way - it offers only the basic info people need who would like a website for their business, but it’s also unique and weird with a dark background and strange hex patterns floating on the background…

Thank you to EVERY SINGLE PERSON at Webpros who worked so hard to make this possible!
Sitejet is a fantastic website builder with wonderful features.

(appreciation in the footer) :wink:


Congratulations :champagne:

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Fantastic work, Richard! :heart_eyes:

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