Responsive preview in CMS

In the responsive preview dropdowns within the CMS/website builder I d o not have the portrait or landscape option.
Does anyone have any ideas why not?

You’re talking about screen orientation, right? Not just size?

Yes just the orientation views

Hi! There is no landscape version, for multiple reasons:

  • behind the scenes (as many other CSS frameworks) Sitejet uses media queries with different breakpoints
  • these breakpoints, are just some conventions to target multiple screen sizes. As an example, you can take a look at the bootstrap breakpoints: Breakpoints · Bootstrap v5.0
  • the landscape version overlaps with the upper portrait version. In other words, the phone’s landscape width will overlap with the tablet’s portrait width.

I hope my explanation makes sense. In reality, we don’t care about devices we care (and target) different screen width (range) sizes.

The device names are there just for our convenience to be able to make an informed decision. In other words, to have a feel for how they look on certain devices.

I hope it helps.