[RELEASED] Allow H5 and H6 in the text field options

I would find it very helpful if the text field options not only allowed the formatting from H1 to H4, but also the formatting H5 and H6.

Of course, you can also use H5 and H6 via the HTML options. But that is too complicated for a customer.

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Hi @Patrick_Luescher,

are you using this often?

I created a feature request ticket for it!

Not very often. But every now and then.
I think it shouldn’t be a huge effort to implement this feature? :wink:

I am agree with Patrick. It will be so great!!:ok_hand:t4::pray:t4:

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+1 would be helpful

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Would appreciate that too. Just for the sake of completeness. :wink:


This has been released today with our Text Editor Update. Have a look at it here: [CW 41.2022] Google Fonts Proxy, Text Editor Update & New Website Templates

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