[CW 41.2022] Google Fonts Proxy, Text Editor Update & New Website Templates

:large_blue_diamond: :us: Hey Sitejetters,

Happy Wednesday! We just released some new updates for you:

#1 Google Fonts via Proxy

What does that mean, you ask? Simply said: Fonts are now provided through Sitejet and not directly via Google API.


The Google Fonts on websites built with Sitejet are now run through a proxy that removes not only the IP address but also all other identifying headers (language, user agent, referrer, etc.).

This change includes the native function in the Fonts Manager, as well as manual integrations in CSS (@import) and HTML ().

Since using Google API to embed Google Fonts has been a widely discussed topic in some European countries regarding GDPR compliance, we have decided to replace the direct integration via Google Fonts. This also means that the paragraph about “Google Web Fonts” will no longer be shown in the privacy policy element.

However, it is possible that third-party providers that you have integrated into your websites might load Google Fonts via API for their services. Since this is not related to the fonts used for the website it cannot be suppressed by Sitejet. We recommend checking your websites for third-party providers that might integrate fonts via Google API and either contact them or remove/replace the service if possible.

Please note that this is by no means a legal consultation and Sitejet does not take responsibility for GDPR-compliant websites. As stated in our terms and conditions, this responsibility lies with the website owner or administrator. We recommend consulting with experts on that topic to ensure GDPR compliance.

Nevertheless, we hope that this change will simplify the creation of GDPR-compliant websites :lock:

#2 Text Editor Update

Our text editor got an update. Not just a slight redesign, but also some additional features which means you can now:

#1: … select all 6 predefined headlines under Paragraph Format
#2: … choose from pre-defined colors everywhere the text editor is implemented
#3: … browse through all icon libraries that are available in Sitejet
#4 … set a line height
#5 … select special characters
#6 … choose different styles for ordered lists
#7 … superscript and subscript
#8 … indent or outdent a text

The text editor can be found in text and headline elements, when you add a text caption to an image or when you add a rich text data field to a collection. So, enjoy the new possibilities!

#3 New Template: CoachLife

You have been looking for an appealing coaching template? Well, look right here: https://www.template-coachlife.de.rs/

#4 New Template: Max Hatzy

This black and white template is perfect to introduce a person/designer/creative such as yourself (or your customers) and to showcase portfolios and case studies. :black_circle: :white_circle:

Check out the new template here: https://www.template-maxhatzy.de.rs/

#5 Whitelabel Update

The “Register” option on the login page for partner.your-whitelabeldomain.com is no longer available when whitelabel is activated.

#6 Correct Chinese characters for multi-language websites

The language preset now shows the correct characters for the Chinese language.

Next to “under the hood” improvements, we also made some other improvements, e.g. regarding the UI of Font Manager or the map element. Also, the file conversion PDF to JPG is now working properly again.

That’s about it from us today, but as always we are looking forward to your feedback :eyes:

Have a great day! :blush:
The Sitejet Team

:large_blue_diamond: :de: Hey Sitejetters,

Happy Bergfest! Wir haben ein paar neue Updates fĂĽr euch:

#1 Google Fonts werden ĂĽber einen Proxy bereitgestellt

Was genau bedeutet das? Einfach gesagt: Die Fonts werden jetzt ĂĽber Sitejet und nicht mehr direkt ĂĽber die Google API bereitgestellt.

Die lange Version:
Die Google Fonts von Websites, die mit Sitejet erstellt werden, werden jetzt ĂĽber einen Proxy ausgefĂĽhrt, der nicht nur die IP-Adresse, sondern auch alle anderen identifizierenden Merkmale (Sprache, User-Agent, Referer usw.) entfernt.

Diese Ă„nderung betrifft sowohl die native Funktion im Font Manager als auch die manuelle Integration ins CSS (@import) und HTML ().

Aufgrund der aktuellen Diskussionen um die Einbindung von Google Fonts im Hinblick auf DSGVO, haben wir uns entschieden, die direkte Integration von Fonts über die Google API zu ersetzen. Das bedeutet auch, dass der Absatz über “Google Web Fonts” nicht mehr im Datenschutz-Element angezeigt wird.

Es ist möglich, dass einige Drittanbieter Google Fonts für ihre Services über die API laden. Da dies nicht mit den Fonts auf der Website verbunden ist, kann dies nicht von Sitejet unterdrückt werden.Wir empfehlen, dass du deine Website prüfst und ggf. die Anbieter direkt kontaktierst oder die entsprechenden Services austauschst oder löschst.

Bitte beachte, dass dies keine Rechtsberatund darstellt und Sitejet keine Verantwortung für die DSGVO-Konformität von Websites übernimmt. Diese Verantwortung liegt beim Eigentümer der Website oder dem Websitebetreiber. Wir empfehlen zur Sicherstellung einer DSGVO-Konfirmität einen entsprechenden Experten zu kontaktieren.

Trotzdem hoffen wir, dass diese Ă„nderung die Erstellung von DSGVO-konformen Websites vereinfachen wird :lock:

#2 Texteditor Update

Der Texteditor hat ein Update bekommen. Nicht nur ein kleines Redesign, sondern auch einige neue Funktionen. Du kannst ab sofort:

#1 … alle 6 vordefinierten Überschriften unter Formatierung auswählen
#2 … überall, wo der Texteditor implementiert ist, die vordefinierten Farben auswählen
#3 … aus dem gesamten Icon-Angebot von Sitejet schöpfen
#4 … die Zeilenhöhe einstellen
#5 … Sonderzeichen hinzufügen
#6 … verschiedene Styles für geordnete Listen auswählen
#7 … Inhalte hoch- oder tiefstellen (indizieren)
#8 … Inhalte einrücken

Den Texteditor findest du in Text- und Ăśberschrift-Elementen, beim HinzufĂĽgen einer Bildbeschriftung und beim Richtext-Feld in Collections. Also, viel SpaĂź beim Austesten der neuen Funktionen!

#3 Neues Template: CoachLife

Wenn du auf der Suche nach einem ansprechenden Coaching-Template bist, dann schau dir unser neuestes Design an: https://www.template-coachlife.de.rs/

#4 Neues Template: Max Hatzy

Dieses schwarz-weiße Template ist perfekt um eine Person/einen Designer vorzustellen und Portfolios oder Case Studies zu präsentieren: https://www.template-maxhatzy.de.rs/ :black_circle: :white_circle:

#5 Whitelabel Update

Die “Registrieren”-Option auf der Login-Seite wird nicht mehr angezeigt, wenn Whitelabel aktiviert wurde.

#6 Anpassung des chinesischen Schriftzeichen fĂĽr mehrsprachige Websites

Beim Sprachen-Preset werden ab sofort die korrekten Schriftzeichen fĂĽr chinesisch angezeigt.

Neben Verbesserungen, die im Hintergrund passieren, haben wir kleine UI-Anpassungen am Font Manager und am Karten-Element vorgenommen. AuĂźerdem sollte die Konvertierung von PDF zu JPG wieder problemlos funktionieren.

Das war’s von uns heute - aber wir freuen uns wie immer auf euer Feedback :eyes:

Schönen Tag noch! :blush:
Das Sitejet Team


Thanks for the great new text options!

Full of hope, I immediately tried the new text options within a collection. Unfortunately, it is still not possible to link directly to internal pages or files from the database. If you click on the magnifying glass icon nothing appears …
For customers it is very inconvenient to link internal links or files.
I hope that this option will also find its way into the text fields of the collection.

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Another good update but i still see “Register now” in Login Page.

Which link would that be exactly? The changes in the original post were from my.your-whitelabel.com. (top right)

If you feel uncomfortable posting your link here send me a pm :slight_smile:

Love these incremental improvements!
Thank you Sitejet! :love_you_gesture:

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@mughal The “register” option that we now hide is for the login screen of partner.whitelabeldomain.com not for my.whitelabeldomain.com. Under partner.whitelabeldomain.com the register option would always lead to a Sitejet-branded registration, because for a whitelabel account you can invite users, so you don’t need a register option there. But for my.whitelabeldomain.com the “Register Now” option that is visible in your screenshot leads to a branded registration screen - so we didn’t remove it there.

@Patrick_Luescher Yes, we only made the changes listed in the original post, however, we do have this as a feature request.

@Franzi alright … i get it now, you removed register option because it leads to sitejet, but you didn’t remove Terms of Service and Privacy Policy which is also leading to sitejet … isn’t it weird?

@mughal You can change the links for Terms of Service and Privacy Policy under Manage Team > Settings or Manage Team > Whitelabel to show your own documents there.



@Franzi check DM

Hi Franzi,

I tried to change the links for the Terms of Service + Privacy Policy. It only works for my.whitelabledomain.com - at partner.whitelabledomain.com the links still lead to sitejets policies. I also update it and filled out the settings twice, in case it wasn’t saved correctly. Unfortunately it didn’t worked.

one more thing:
Is it possible to disable the “Sign in with Facebook / Sign in with Google” buttons? I don’t like these services and we don’t recommend anyone to use them.

The coachlife template comes with a nice background. I’ve checked it out but couldn’t find an option to change the background. Is it only possible to change things on the background forms by using code?

@Franzi after proxy font update when i load any of my website for a moment it shows entirely different font (which is by default) and then i see google fonts i choose … why?

Thanks @realKC and @mughal for pointing that out. I forwarded this to our developer team so that the links for the terms and privacy policy change when links have been added under whitelabel. I will get back to you once this is implemented.


Hey @Barbara_Bichler,

the background of the CoachLife template is created by using different image files:

Since those containers are overlapping I recommend using the arrow keys to “go through” the website to find those image elements and replace them with another file/shape or to upload them in a color you prefer.


@mughal Do you know if this occurred before the proxy was activated as well? There shouldn’t be any differences between the integration of Fonts directly from the Google API and the proxy integration.

It might be possible that the website is rendering much faster than the font.

Can you send me the link to this website?

You could try to upload the fonts locally to see if this has any impact.

@Franzi it started after proxy enabled it was not like that before … please check DM

Thanks for explaining how this works. Couldn’t find this on my own.
I will check it out.

@Franzi did you check this issue or not yet?