[RELEASED] Add the possibility to share a template

Currently, there is no possibility to share (publicly) a template that I’ve made with others SiteJet users (and here I’m not referring to my team members).

Please add the possibility to share a template to allow the community to create and share templates.


Hi @Lucian_Dinu,

the possibility, to share a template, is on our list. Currently, we are thinking about where and how it could look like, because this would be a whole new and big feature. We are also thinking about a workaround until this huge feature is ready to use, because we know, that our community is building good-looking websites.


Hi! Happy to see that is already on your list. I was thinking to be something simple to allow us to share a link that can be used to create a new website, similar to what we have right now https://partner.sitejet.io/website/new/my_template_id (right now this link works only for members from my team/account).

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+1 great idea… a link you can use if you want to create a new page as a clone of this shared one


+1 from me as well

I also build websites with another tool which allows to share (and even sell) templates I create.
Each template is a project in my dashboard and has an unique URL. When someone purchases this template I would send an email with this link to the customer who is able to work with the template after having made an account himself.
Perfect automation!
I would live to have the same option in Sitejet.


Any news about this, two years later now?

Hi @Barbara_Bichler, currently the feature has no priority, as soon as something changes we will keep you updated.

This feature has been released. /closed