Mobile menu button stopped working! help!

Hello guys something weird happened…so in mobile view the default button stopped working. But in the Sitejet Builder if I switch to preview it works.

How can I “debug” this ?

Website preview: Preview

Published website: Published

Need to check this with a developer. Weird.

Ok give me feedback I really need to fix this to deliver the website and get paid :smiley:

Hey there,

on which browsers do you have this issue?

Tested this in Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Brave. I use mainly Edge when using SITEJet builder.

Any feedback from the developer?

I noticed that in published website there is an error in custom,js.


I dont’ know if the Published version is older or not from the Preview.
But , from what I can see on the Published website you have a URL inserted in the javascript code.
This line:


Try to open your Code Panel - >JavaScript and see if the first line of the javascript contains the line above (before the comment) and remove it. (After this publish the website again).

Hope this helps.

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OMG must have been a ghost copy paste somehow…it was exactly this causing the problem.

Thank tou very much.

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