Link document element

In a collection i have a field with type ‘file’. In this field i add a pdf file. There is an element ‘document’ but it cannot be attached to the collection field. Only option as i can find is an image but the image is a pdf file and not an image. In the image i can connect the field to the link of the image. But the page shows an empty image icon with the link to the document. Is there some option to 1 add a pdf document to a collection and attach it to a ‘linking text’ in the collection item page?

I discovered 1 workaround. When adding in the collection a field type ‘CMS’, and start editing in the collection item, you can add the ‘document’ element into it. Then you can add one or more document elements.

In the item page you can add a ‘container’ and link it to the ‘CMS’ field. So having one or more files for an collection item it will do the trick. But for customer it becomes a bit more difficult using the ‘cms’ field.

Best option would be adding one or more files, like it is possible now, and show it in some kind of list element with a href’s to the files.

But maybe there are other options or workarounds

example: first picture the ‘cms’ field in the collection. second picture the container in the collection item page (single page layout)

Hi @Arthur_van_Veen,

sorry for the late reply, I was on vacation during this time.

Did you try to upload the PDF and added the link path to a collection field and assign this field to a button, so you can download the file?

Hi Martin, yes! I added a ‘cms’ element in the collection. within this element I used the ‘document’ element to add the pdf. See the result on

We reported it to our developers and will come back to you.