I’ve worked out some questions and changed approach a bit. The client wants 3 customer profiles as the first section (photo & text description & case study for each) in 3 columns. The case study is far too text much for mobile so i’ve settled on using the accordion and triggers with the text underneath to display the text description. I’ve learnt how to keep the 1st one open, but i’d like to open the text by hovering rather than just clicking ideally so i can lose the sub text, but I know the only options are clicking. i found this tutorial post - Hoverbox on image mouseover - #4 by Paul_Towney-Jones and have added a css class for the trigger/image to be hoverbox & the text below to be hoverbox-hover-container, and copied the css to the top of my css code file, but it doesnt seem to be opening the text while hover so im assuming its because im inside an existing preset. I’ve also tried adding a button to click for case study to open an overlay, which kind of works but seems to cause issues with no close button showing (its set in options) & strange behavior with moving the button and any other text i click on to underneath the accordian container. So this screenshot is the best i’ve got so far.
Does anyone more experienced have any other suggestions to a better approach i could take to achieve this request.
Here’s is a couple of the text to explain what they want and thanks for anyone who may be able to shed any light
2. About You
2a. “I can’t take a day off”
You have a busy lifestyle and/or commitments which you must deliver. When pain stops you from being able to complete these tasks, it can have a knock-on effect which may have a significant cost. Being proactive about your health helps you to manage these challenges and to maintain the quality of life of those who matter. Treatment can help with issues including posture correction, pain relief, migraine prevention and management.
Case Study: Rita Schindler - Professional Harpist - www.ritaschindler.com
Image: RitaSchindler.png
“As freelance musician I can’t afford a day off work. I’ve been coming back for treatments to James for years as he solved my chronic migraine, back pain and muscle knots, as well as realigning my whole body. I simply couldn’t go on working without his expert care as my playing career puts a lot of pressure on my body. I’ve been recommending James to all my students and colleagues who’ve been suffering with aches and pains.”
2b. “I want to perform at my best”
You are a competitive athlete. You must peak at the right time to perform at your top level, while minimising your risk of injury. When problems do arise, you need to recover quickly and safely, and to protect against repeat injuries. Treatment can help to maximise performance, increase endurance capacity and prepare you for winning!
Case Study: Oliver Blake - Personal Trainer - @oliverblakefitness
Image: OliverBlake.png
“I had a persistent left calve injury for over two months that flared up within 2 miles every time I went for a run causing a severe cramp-like pain. I saw James the week before a big event - after 1 hour of treatment the problem was gone. I did a 40 mile run that weekend with not a single issue with my calves. Very professional and holistic environment. I would definitely recommend and I now go to James before and after every race for treatment both preventive and restorative.”