Image Accordion Preset - align text vertically

Is there a way to vertically align (top to bottom) the overlay text in the image accordion preset?

I have tried different css in the html field, but nothing works.
:bulb: Note: It aligns to the bottom when the “bottom” animation is selected, but it centers automatically in the middle for “blur”, “background” and “zoom” animations.

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Hi @Richard_Honey. Unfortunately there is no setting to change the text alignment, but you can use some CSS to achieve the result you want. You can use the .ed-element.preset-image-accordion-v4-default .image-accordion-trigger a > span selector that is used in the Preset CSS.

For example: To align to the top you could add this snippet to the bottom of your CSS code

.ed-element.preset-image-accordion-v4-default .image-accordion-trigger a > span {
      top: 10%;

Change the value to 90% instead of 10% and it aligns to the bottom. You can also use pixel values if you want.

Hope this helps!


Thank you, Ronnie!

It worked :grinning: but in this case there were some other technicalities.

:bulb: Note: If the active trigger background is set to a different colour, it will result in something like this:

This is because the CSS properties top and bottom repositions the whole <span> element. For some reason, targeting only the <p> element inside it didn’t work, so I used padding-top instead.

The complete solution for this specific use case is then:

.ed-element.preset-image-accordion-v4-default .image-accordion-trigger a > span { padding-top: 90%; }

This (easier?) solution also worked:


You’re right, i did not consider the hover effect. But i’m glad you found a solution that works for you!

The reason that targeting the p element did not work is that it is positioned via flex-settings. So, for example, you could have also used a justify-content: flex-end on the span element instead to move the text element to the bottom.

That’s what I personally like about Sitejet, there are many ways to achieve what you want and you can choose what suits you best.


Thanks Ronnie.
I would never get to the solution without your help. :muscle:

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