Hamburger menu problem

Hi, I have 2 menus, is there a way to fix this, I have 2 menus on the page but the bottom one is having problems, when it’s opened in hamburger menu state, both my main navigation and this menu opens together, is there a way to fix that? Also how can I align the hamburger icon to the center for the bottom menu? Thanks

Hi @Kenwin_Z, unfortunately it doesn’t work with 2 menus, except you add some custom code to let both menus separately. In your case, both menus are getting the open (open-menu) class assigned.

What is your use-case to have 2 menus?

Do I edit the CSS and change the class name or do I have to edit something else? My pages have different sections, I would like to link items to certain anchor ids. Thanks

You could try changing the menu JS so that you only open the one menu by specifying the menu item you clicked on.

Please note, that we can’t give free support on custom code.

ok thanks, no problem