heya. i’m really not an expert site builder by any means so please forgive me if i’m being dumb.
i want to create a display of images like the gallery, with the hover setting as ‘caption’ but then on click you are taken to a linked page/external page.
i see this is possible when using the slider element (assigning links to individual images) but i’d really like the hover>caption and grid dense layout options of the gallery element. is there any way to make this happen, or alternatively a workaround that will give me the best of both worlds? thanks in advance!
The gallery preset is actually just for presenting the pictures. You could - as a workaround - use a columns preset and then build a gallery with linking out of it.
But I will discuss a possible image grid preset with a linking feature internally as this seems handy to have and to speed up the process.
Image grid, or gallery or some component that would allow us to associate links, captions, alternate text to images, specially from collection data, would be VERY useful.
Don’t know if you’re still needing this option, but I found you can do it with the Image tabs element. Just delete the content boxes and you can insert any image you like, add a caption and link it to wherever you like! It works great! I’m building a new site and its not live yet, but I’m attaching a screen shot of what it looks like!