Adding text to image gallery


I’ve made a 3 column gallery with the image text/caption preset. However I can’t seem to find how to add any text. I’ve tried other workarounds of adding columns with text and trying to get it to go on the images, but this just ended up weird. I don’t want it to go under the images and I don’t want extra space in/under the gallery. Please help if you can :slight_smile:

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Hey @Therese_A :wave:

Would you like to let me know the six-digit ID so I might take a look? Where would I find the gallery on your website?

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Sorry for the late response, been away for a few days.

Where do I find that ID number?
Does the site need to be live or can I share a preview? It’s on the home page, just under the large slider.

Thank you for your reply :+1:

I came across one more issue with the same gallery, the fact that individual images can’t be seperately linked it seems.
I tried my own thing from columns and text on background, but then I’ll lose the zoom in effect when hovering over an image. And I’d really like some kind of hover effect :slight_smile:

It is in the URL. :slight_smile:

Nope, does not need to be live :slight_smile: