When I paste text e.g. from Word into a text field in Sitejet, all HTML formatting is copied as well. In many cases this is undesirable and a lot of garbage ends up in Sitejet.
If I remember correctly, there used to be a cleaner function in the text field. But this no longer exists or am I missing something?
Unfortunately, this function was also completely unusable, because the text had also removed the mandatory paragraph tag.
My feature request is that the cleaner function is reinstalled but newly converted the whole text into a pure paragraph tag.
My workaround at the moment is to insert the text via “Insert and adjust style”. But even so, unfortunately, a lot of data garbage is often inserted.
Hi Patrick, I feel your pain. My workaround is to insert the text from Word, emails, ChatGPT, etc to the browser’s address bar. This is the place where you write the website URL. This is always there, do not need to open another app, and clear all formatting. Unfortunately, the paragraphs are lost as well. I think there is a solution out there, I hasn’t researched it yet. If you find one, share it with the community. And yes a feature would be handy in SJ doing this.
I typically use either https://pastebin.com (without saving, simply pasting the text and then copying it again) or a code editor. In both cases, “paragraphs” (I think technically they are line breaks) are preserved while any other unwanted formatting is removed. However, this process requires an additional step, so having a built-in method would be great indeed.
I am using the short cut “Strg + Shift + V” (instead of “Strg + V”) to insert unformatted text from a word document/a google document/other text apps …
Usually the added shift key is deleting the word document formatting completely and also other not human readable added characters.
Another work around, like mentioned above, is to copy the text in a plain text editor programm and copy it again from there.
In my trainings with clients I am teaching always the “Strg + Shift + V” shortcut and explain them why they should use this one and avoid the more common “Strg + V”.
Sorry, but that is not the solution after all. This is exactly the method I described above with “Insert and adjust style”.
Yes, I always use this method to insert text and also train our customers this way. However, some style formatting is not deleted.
I just did a test. See my attached photo. Despite the mentioned insert method, styles are inserted.
On Windows, use the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + V to paste without formatting. Works for most of the browsers.
On Mac, you can use the somewhat cumbersome shortcut Option + Cmd + Shift + V to paste without formatting.
On Mac, you can also customize or add a new shortcut for your Mac keyboard shortcuts.
Cmd + Space will open Spotlight search, where you can type in “Keyboard” and then select the shortcut tab. Select App Shortcuts from the list on the left. Click the Plus icon below the list to create a new shortcut.
@Imre_Fekete that is what I also do
I’m honestly a little confused right now.
This morning I did some tests again and now noticed that Cmd + V inserts the text much “cleaner” than Option + Cmd + Shift + V or Ctrl + Shift + V.
At least that’s how it behaves on my Mac OS in Chrome. This behavior was surely different until recently.
Tip without any liability:
I use a little Tool called Pure text. It inserts unformatted text by using WINDOWS V.
It must be either started manually befor. This tool is that useful tht’s why I set it on “autostart”
Nice advice. Don’t download it from the Microsoft store…