Font style not appearing correctly

I am using a custom font, both are .woff fonts, but the fonts are not appearing as they should be, they appear a bit more bolder than their already thin style, and it does not appear as it should be appearing, does anyone know why the builder could be doing this? Has anyone experienced similar and found a solution?

Page: Home -
Fonts in question: catchy mager and IbbaraRealNova

Actually, looking at it now, the font that works on the website is Poppins, but when I go through both of these fonts, they appear like Times New Roman, they don’t look at all like what they should?

Now, after testing, even the Google fonts do not appear to be working correctly. None of the fonts are appearing on the webpage, except for some reason Poppins?

EDIT: Google Fonts work perfectly, only uploaded fonts do not work in any of the formats.

I bypassed by adding CSS and defining H1 with a link to the font, but what in the heck? This would be so nice to work on it’s own?

Awesome work!
As soon as the font issue is solved it will look amazing. Congratulations!

My 5 penny to the problem:

Now the page shows all sorts of (Google) fonts in different sections.
Raleway, Poppins, Garet for example.
I think there should be just one copy font and one or two stylish fonts for headlines, right?

First of all I would recommend:

  1. deleting all unneeded fonts from the “Font” panel.
  2. checking your text design settings for copy, H1-H6.
  3. marking every section that appears with the wrong font and delete any (accidentily) copied style with the erasurer.

Obviously the CSS you inserted doesn’t work either.
So I would delete this as well and then open a ticket by e-mail and tell them what exactly you want to show where.


Hey Michael,

Thank you for posting this. Please consider our guideline for posting issues:

Just to check - did you also write us a ticket to the support? If so, we would first use this ticket and then post the solution here later after it is solved.

Yes I did, nothing was solved yet though, here is the site jet ID

So, back at it today, and now I found that I cannot do this override I did with H2, using the CSS to change the font with H3-H6. It only works with H1 and H2? Why is this?

The issue still persists.

Can we keep all the info in the ticket, please? A developer is already working on this.

Sure! Thank you! Do you need the ticket ID?

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Nope. Its linked here incognito. Just send the info as an answer to the ticket :slight_smile:

Thanks Andre, you’re a boss!

I just tried to visit my old ticket and it appears that my account tied to the Ticket was deleted so I can no longer log into it to check it and reply

This is weird. Can you send us a mail please with all the info - which hoster, which platform (cPanel?) and any account info you have? Copy the link to this thread as well.

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Done. I’m trying to get this fixed myself somehow but I doubt it’ll get fixed and now, somehow my stylesheet is broken, attached is an image.

Just curious if you found a solution to this. I’m having the same problem. No matter what font I choose, it always appears Times Roman (or something similar) in the browser. Any ideas?

There is no solution for this specific case yet.