Filterable gallery default category


I have created a page with SiteJet,
I have used a filterable gallery to display the products (Productos -

My question is, how can I make it so that when someone enters the product page, it loads a default category, for example, “engravings”?
Currently, it loads all products when entering that page.

Thank you very much.
Best regards.

Hi @Danibuyovd

you could try to set a redirect from Productos - to Productos - (engravings should exist as category for the filterable gallery). The gallery is filtered by URL parameter.

Hello Martin,

I have tried changing the redirection in the main menu for products as you mentioned, but it doesn’t do anything.

I changed this:

I have tried with:

In both cases, it still loads all the products when the page is loaded. If you click directly on ‘engravings’, it works, but it doesn’t work from the main menu.

In the browser, it shows the correct URL, but:

  • When you come from another section of the menu, for example, ‘home,’ and go to ‘products,’ it loads the page with all the products without filtering by ‘engravings,’ even though the URL is correct.

  • If you are in ‘products’ and click on ‘colors,’ and then click back on ‘products,’ it doesn’t reload the page (this only happens in preview mode). The URL changes, but the page doesn’t refresh.

The changes have been made on the Spanish page for now, in case you want to check the website.

I don’t know why it doesn’t accept the change made for the menu button.
Any suggestions?

Thank you very much.
Best regards.


In the end, I was able to solve the problem using a “collection listing” + “Collection filter-buttons” instead of a “filterable gallery”.

You can close this thread.

Thank you for your help.

Best regards.

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