[CW 14.2022] New interface languages and additional whitelabel settings

:large_blue_diamond: Happy Tuesday, Sitejetters!

:us: :uk:
First of all, we are super happy to announce that Sitejet is now available in 9 different languages! :tada:

:earth_americas: You can select one of the following options:

  • German
  • English
  • Español
  • Français
  • Italiano
  • Português
  • Svenska
  • Türkçe
  • Japanese

You can change the interface language either for your whole team under Manage Team > Settings, or just for your profile by clicking on your avatar in the top right corner of the Manager and selecting Profile in the dropdown. To change the languages in the CMS click on the burger menu and select the language under Preferences :star_struck:

:earth_asia: Speaking of languages - we also added new language options for multi-language websites:

  • Catalan
  • Hindi
  • Bengali
  • Urdu
  • Punjabi

Next up: Extended the whitelabel settings! :raised_hands:

  1. You can now add a Tool Name which will replace the word Sitejet everywhere in the interface. (Sitehub is still visible in some cases, e.g. for the incoming email)
  2. You can choose if you want to :
    a.) show the default help option within Sitejet
    b.) add a custom help URL instead
    c.) if you want to hide the help options altogether
  3. When you set up an email with outgoing server information ALL emails triggered from the system (also invitation mails) will be sent from this email.
    (This only refers to emails that you sent out of Sitejet. The email services provided by Sitejet are still running with mail.sitehub.io)

Head over to Manage Team > Whitelabel to check out the new option and don’t forget to set up your email address under Manage Team > Email Setup if you would like to make use of the fully whitelabled system emails.

As always, we also made some changes under the hood to further improve Sitejet :mechanical_arm:

Have an awesome week!
The Sitejet Team

:large_blue_diamond: Happy Tuesday, Sitejetters!

:de: :austria: :switzerland:
Wir freuen uns sehr darüber Sitejet jetzt in 9 Sprachen anbieten zu können! :tada:

:earth_americas: Ab sofort stehen die folgenden Optionen zur Verfügung:

  • Deutsch
  • Englisch
  • Spanisch
  • Französisch
  • Italienisch
  • Portugiesisch
  • Swedisch
  • Türkisch
  • Japanisch

Die Sprache kann für das ganze Team unter Team managen > Einstellungen geändert werden oder nur für dein Profil, wenn du auf deinen Avatar in der oberen rechten Ecke klickst und dort Profil im Dropdown auswählst. Um die Sprache im CMS zu ändern, klicke auf das Burger-Menü in der oberen linken Ecke und klicke dann auf Einstellungen :star_struck:

:earth_asia: Wo wir gerade schon bei Sprachen sind - wir haben neue Auswahlmöglichkeiten für mehrsprachige Websites hinterlegt:

  • Catalan
  • Hindi
  • Bengali
  • Urdu
  • Punjabi

Wir haben die Whitelabel-Einstellungen erweitert! :raised_hands:

  1. Du kannst jetzt einen Tool-Namen hinterlegen, der Sitejet im ganzen Interface ersetzt. (Sitehub ist in einigen Fällen noch sichtbar, bspw. bei der E-Mail-Adresse für eingehende Mails)
  2. Du kannst auswählen, ob du
    a.) die Hilfe-Möglichkeiten von Sitejet anzeigen lassen möchtest,
    b.) ob du eine eigene Hilfe-URL hinterlegen möchtest oder
    c.) ob du die Hilfe im Tool ausblenden möchtest.
  3. Wenn du deine E-Mail-Adresse mit ausgehendem Server hinterlegst, werden alle E-Mails, die aus dem System versendet werden über diese E-Mail-Adresse verschickt, z.b. auch die Einladungsmail für neue Teammitglieder. (Diese Neuerung bezieht sich auf E-Mails, die du aus Sitejet verschickst. Der E-Mail-Service, den du deinen Kunden über Sitejet anbietest, läuft weiterhin über mail.sitehub.io)

Du kannst dir die neuen Optionen unter Team managen > Whitelabel anschauen und all relevanten Informationen für deine E-Mail-Adresse unter Team managen > E-Mail Setup hinterlegen, um alle E-Mails whitelabled zu versenden.

Wir waren außerdem wieder fleißig dabei und haben Anpassungen unter der Haube vorgenommen, um Sitejet weiter zu verbessern. :mechanical_arm:

Wir wünschen euch noch eine erfolgreiche Restwoche!
Das Sitejet Team


It seems like this update may have broken my account. I can no longer access any of my websites from the website manager and I cannot access my whitelabel settings because it is asking me to upgrade my account. I don’t need to upgrade since I already have the team account. I have already put a ticket in via email, but I wanted to post this here in case anyone else is having issues.

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Same issue as @David_Harris

We appreciate your feedback!

If you have an issue, then please use Report a bug - Sitejet Community or write us an email to help@sitejet.io


Really good but I am a customer with a team package why I don’t have access to the white label settings ?


There was a change but all my code in on the CMS and client portal side is gone ???

all my code to customize the customer portal, the favicon, the calls to my third party services :scream: :sob:

Hi everyone, we are very sorry for the inconvenience! Everything should be back to normal and you should be able to see and access your whitelabel settings again! :raised_hands:

Enjoy the latest additions! :slight_smile: (and let us know if there is still something that you cannot access)

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@Franzi @Andre @Martin everything looks fine except in redirections this “Learn more” link still leading to sitejet, please fix this … thanks

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@Franzi what is tool name and where this will replace “sitejet, sitehub” all over the platform can you please explain more on this?

@mughal Sorry, I should have been more specific about the new whitelabel settings:

  1. At the moment the help option only means that the help icon and beacon in the Website Manager and the help item in the CMS are being altered. The help links are still in place.
  2. The Tool Name will replace “Sitejet” everywhere in the system. Sitehub is a generic name that is still used for some features like the email address for incoming emails.

I hope that clarifies the new features :slight_smile:

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@Franzi @Martin what’s the update on this guys?

@Franzi @Martin @Andre It’s been 7 days i asked a question and no one even bothers to reply?

Thank you for tagging me here, @mughal - I was on holidays :slight_smile:

Are you referring to this?

Hi @Andre and welcome back from holidays, hope you had a good time … and yes i am referring to this “Learn more” link still exist in CMS.