Adding a class to a Button element bug

There is a bug on the Button element.
When I try to add a class on the Style-> Id&Class → Button (tab) the first time after writing an pressing enter (or the + sign), the actual class is not added and the Button (tab) gets renamed to (Undefined).

After I’m doing this again the class is added but the Button (tab) remains (Undefined).
The same issue is when I try to remove the class that I’ve added, clicking on the Trash icon the first time is not working.

Here is a video with the issue.


Sorry about that!

I can’t speak to why it’s happening, but I’ve experienced that before.

I found a solution by just logging out of everything, clearing my cache, and restarting.

Still a bug, but maybe it will help your current workflow!


Clearing the cache “fixed” the issue. Thanks!

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Great debugging here @zachary :heart:

I learned from you guys! XD

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