đź”· About the feature requests

Add your feature requests here and vote on other user ideas!

:large_blue_diamond: In this category we love to hear about your product ideas, improvements and request to make Sitejet better. We have come a long way with Sitejet and the community has been constantly growing! We thrive to improve and love to make Sitejet better with your suggestions. And these are exceptional! A huge thank you to you all!

Let’s dive into the specifics of this section!

We have subdivided this category for a better overview.

What could be feature requests?

We love to hear about your ideas about what you need and think will make Sitejet better.

Feature Requests can be:

  • suggestions to modify or improve the user interface
  • requests for integration with other products or native implementations
  • ideas to update popular existing features to make them better
  • ideas and wishes about completely new features

How to raise a feature request?

Before you open a new thread, please use the search feature to check, if your idea has already been posted. :wink: If not - here we go!

  • Choose the suitable category and be as descriptive and detailed as possible.
  • Please describe how the feature might work and hopefully solves an existing issue you are experiencing. W e encourage you to be detailed and to state your case for “why” the feature you’re requesting should be added.
  • If you like, also attach us screenshots, screencasts and if suitable also examples from other tools, if you like.
  • When you see a nice feature request, you are able to upvote this request by simply adding your voice to the thread. “Like” the first post or add your voice as a post! The more votes, the better!

Please do not make demands and be respectful to other requests and suggestions!

How do we work on feature requests?

Every feature request that has been set up in this category will be gathered centrally so that support, product management and the developers will have access to it. We also regularly update the responses and upvotes for each wish! So, if you see an old request that has not been realized yet, no worries! Add your vote and bump the thread! More users will see it.

All requests will be discussed by our product team frequently in regular meetings every month and quarterly.

Please keep in mind, that a feature request raised does not automatically mean, that we will be able to develop it. Building a roadmap driven by the community and align them to our own goals is not that easy. Yeah, bummer! We know! While we at this point will not share a public roadmap - yeah, another bummer! We know! - we will keep you updated on the improvements we have in the pipeline and are considering as good as possible.

Please be assured, that we cherish every request and ideas and give our best to make this the best builder out there!

Really looking forward to your submissions!:slightly_smiling_face::large_blue_diamond:


I love that you are establishing a boundary with clients to be respectful, as well as a reminder of the time and scale behind implementing a feature request, already on top of the continual development of SiteJet! Real people work behind these avatars, but that’s what makes SiteJet amazing - the people behind it.

Can’t wait to learn from the other users - this community was an amazing idea.


There’s nothing to add… the support team does a great job!

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