Website width exceeds browser window size

I have a website where the width of the website seems to exceed 100% of the browser window (only in desktop size), which makes a scroll bar appear at the bottom.
I have been looking through my design but cannot find where this comes from, none of the elements seems to be too wide to trigger that behaviour …
Anyone an idea on this?

kind regards

Hey @Mark_Fosseprez - is this only one element? On which website would it be and where exactly?

Happy to check with you.

Hi André,

it is on Login
(Volkswerk voor Openlucht VZW - St-Pauluscentrum - Ontmoetingshuis in de natuur voor kinderen en jeugdgroepen) and all pages.

thanks for your help

I am unable to reproduce it. Can’t see a horizontal scrollbar:

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Hi Martin,
I re-opened the website in the builder and indeed, seems to be gone…
Sorry for any inconvenience, but don’t know how it disappeared.
kind regards and thanks for your help anyway!


Automagically faded away :joy: