Video slider on landing page


I hope to get help here :slight_smile:
I have a landing page with a video slider (
The customer (video creator) wants to have auto play, which is not a problem. The problem is the sound of the videos. If I turn on the sound and klick the arrows to see the next video, still you have the sound running from the last video. Is there a solution that the sounds/video stops automatically if I click the next video?

Hi @Ulf_Siemen !

If I counted correctly, you have four different videos on your site.

  1. Give each video an ID with a sequential number: “video-1”, “video-2”, “video-3” and “video-4”.

  2. Add a variable that keeps track of the video that is currently running:
    var currentVideoIndex = 1

  3. Add methods to update index of video that is currently running:

function increaseCurrentVideoIndex() {
	currentVideoIndex += 1 
	// If next arrow is clicked on last video, start at first again
	if(currentVideoIndex > 4) {
		currentVideoIndex = 1
function decreaseCurrentVideoIndex() {
	currentVideoIndex -= 1 
	// If next arrow is clicked on first video, start at last again
	if(currentVideoIndex < 0) {
		currentVideoIndex = 4
  1. Add methods to pause and play a video:
function pauseCurrentVideo(ID) {
	var video = document.getElementById("video-"+ID);
function playCurrentVideo(ID) {
	var video = document.getElementById("video-"+ID);;
  1. Add listeners to each arrow:
$(".slick-prev").click(function() {

$(".slick-next").click(function() {

I have not tested this code, there might be typos and stuff. Let me know if it works.

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Many thanks for your answer. I will try it :slight_smile: