Template - Small business templates

I would love to see some local shops or services templates.
This is what people need, simple sites for local businesses. Dentists, osteopaths, notarial, lawyers, plumbers, shops etc … That would be great


Hey there Jean,

would you like to be more specific in regard to this template? What would be important for you when it comes to a template for a small business?

What would be interesting and important for a medical page?

Please give us some nice examples of small businesses websites and your input what you like about them.

Did you already have a look at our templates about these businesses? What are you missing?

Yes, I had a look and I think that your templates are most of the time very “classic” in the “not original” way. They look like 5 years ago most of the time. I think that this is the next challenge for you. Modern designs.
Squarespace does have beautiful templates, very graphic and modern. But it’s a mimic already. Finding inspiration is something very difficult. As for the local businesses you have to show basic information like address, offers, pictures and so on of course, But playing with typography and whitespace is the key in design. Look at the last blocksy template. Simple but very catchy on the eye. It has character.
Persona – Just another WordPress site
I’m not sure I’m clear because we’re talking graphism and art, it’s always a taste matter, but I’m sure you can see my point.


Appointment schedulers are vital for all medical, dentists, lawyers, consultants, etc. I read that 68% of customers prefer to use an online sign up form, so this should really be built in as a feature to use with all Templates.
Also templates for creative artists, like Authors, painters, sculptors , Podcasters, etc. We are focusing on this niche ourselves, but there are a lot of these people out there and most of them do not have proper web sites. They need a gallery to display their works or books, a way to sell online downloads, Podcast players, a nice bio and press release area, a latest works page, a place for quotes, Testimonials, Schedule of appearances or events, as well as a blog with comments and categories.


I agree with you. More templates and more modern with schedulers or booking extension will be great. Do you plan with Plesk to add more templates ?
And an Instagram section with the last posts will be very appreciated. All small business want to show their instagram posts. It is missing here.

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Hi @isabelle_calmont,

yes, we are trying to publish new website templates regularly in 2022, regarding the suggestions from the community.

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