[RELEASED] Add a presets cleaner to only ship used presets

Imagine you start a website from scratch or from an already made template, you play around with the components (presets), you add, you test, you don’t like, you remove, then add other components, and you keep doing this until you’re happy with your design. Now you are ready to publish. What is happening is that you are also publishing all the presets that have served as tests (those which you have decided to discard) - let’s call them draft presets -, along with those you have kept. And this is the issue I wanted to point out.

It would be great to not publish the draft presets and only ship the used ones. The best way to do so, is to implement a presets cleaner, that is triggered just before publishing. Until implementing this cleaner, the workaround would be to clean them manually (but it is risky, as @Andre said in this post). In this case, it would be better to have a tutorial that helps us to do so, until the implementation of the cleaner.

In my humble opinion, having presets cleaner is a must. Using tools like SiteJet are created to ship website rapidly and not waste our time in cleaning code.

Related threads:


+1 for this.

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Thank you for this suggestion @AJ_Joe

For everyone who wants to support this feature, please comment here with a +1 and let us know if you also have some ideas regarding this topic.

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+100% for this!

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+1 for this.

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+1 Totally agree!

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+1 for this feature!

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+1 definitely needed

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+1 for this feature.

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+1 but this doesn’t even need to be voted on, this is something that you should prioritize


@Pal_Nikolaisen 100% agree, it should be prioritized.


+1 is important


+1 I need it! It’s absolutely necessary


this is needed asap.


+1 yes please


+1 100%, pls.


This feature has been released in January.

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