Prevent video download

Is there a way to prevent them from downloading the videos? I want to make landing pages but I don’t want them to be able to download the videos.

Captura de Pantalla 2023-06-14 a la(s) 16.07.46

Generally speaking, it is impossible to prevent video downloads entirely. If a video is visible in the browser, there are methods available to download it. However, you can implement measures to make the “standard” methods of downloading videos more challenging. For example, you can prevent the context menu from appearing when users right-click on it.

One way to achieve this is by assigning an ID to the video, such as “yourVideoID,” and then including the following code in the JavaScript section:

$(function()  {
   $('#yourVideoID').bind('contextmenu', function() { 
         return false; 

Generally speaking, you cannot stop people from downloading videos; they can record on their own device or screen capture if desperate.

If this is critical for you, you should look at separate video hosting platforms which provide video watermarking or video encryption so video downloads are scrambled.

You can host your videos there and embed on your Sitejet website.

I suggest you google this and explore further if you’re willing to pay for this function.