Next Previous buttons

Hello Sitejetters. In the collection single page you can see the details of an item of the collection. On the listing pages there is a next-previous button option. But that option is missing on the detail page. I really would like to navigate from 1 item to another item without first having to return to the list page. Has anyone already came with a workaround for this?


If this is not yet possible, this would be a very nice addition to Collections!

Hi @Arthur_van_Veen, this is currently not possible and I would move this ticket to the feature request category if you want.

A workaround exists but needs a lot of maintenance. You could create some buttons and link them manually to your existing collection pages.

Thanks Martin. Yes, would be great to add it to the feature request! I will try a workaround with some javascript in the meanwhile.

Thank you, @Arthur_van_Veen for this suggestion.

For everyone who wants to support this feature, please comment here with a +1 and let us know if you also have some ideas regarding this topic.

Yes, I support this feature!