New level of disaster

Having found a way out of the font not loading error yesterday (20/01/2025) I made a small edit to my design in Sitejet Builder cpanel. I noticed the save icon wasn’t going blue to save and when I tried I was greeted by “failed to save due to error”. Now Sitejet Builder looks like the attached images.

The website itself is still up (public_html) folder in cpanel file manager but the sitejetbuilder folder looks like its emptied itself.

I contacted support at ukhost4u and have been told that because its a free package they will not help as it was never supposed to be available in free hosting Try jet backup or go away. No longer impressed.

Any way to recover this or work/save outside cpanel, ie on my computer.

I.m dumfounded

Hey Andrew,

Thanks for reaching out here - sorry for my late reply, I was on holidays. Did you sent us a ticket about this? Or is this issue still present?

I had a reply from Martin Hoehne from Sitejet. Apparently all backups were visible at your end. Suggested it was a disconnect between cPanel and Sitejet.

So I contacted my provider and they put in a cPanel ticket. They restored the connection, claiming a Sitejet database issue.

All I know is it is now workings again but the odd font issue still persists as described in a previous message.

Hope you enjoyed your holidays and thank you for the support.

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Hey Andrew,

Ah well, glad this could be solved. So I am not on the other case, but I have seen tickets with developers about fonts. So I am sure, this is handled at the moment and soon to be fixed.

I would close this thread then as this issue is solved. :slight_smile: