More menu presets

Please add more menu presets to choose from, so we do not need to choose a template just because it has the menu bar we prefer (when other features of it don’t fit the project we are building).

  • Logo centered, menu items on the left and right of it
    like the temlates “Podcaster”, “Wanderlust”
  • Menu bar with Logo, menu items and CTA button (or text link)
    like the templates “Green Change”, “WeTrain” or “Pets Care”
  • Logo, menu items and Scoial Media Icons (like “Blogger”)

Hi @Barbara_Bichler, thank you for the suggestion.

Do you know that you can copy element/presets from one CMS into another CMS?

  1. open the preset you want to have on your website in one CMS and your website in another CMS
  2. select the preset you want
  3. copy it
  4. paste it into your website
  5. copy the CSS from the code and paste it into your website (Code)
  6. some presets might also use JavaScript, you can simply check the code JS if there is something named like the preset, you could use [ctrl] + [f] to open the finder and search for a term inside the code

Yes, I know this. Thank you.
I try to avoid custom code (because I am not a coding person) :wink:
It would be really helpful and convenient to have more options in the menu presets department.

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