How to impliment a live chat

Hi I just saw a pop up on a sitejet webpage
after few minutes there will be appeare a live chat Windows with a call to action write us on whatsapp business, how can i integrate it? :slight_smile: Thanks

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Hey @andreas_huber - unfortunately, your post got lost in space and time here. I am sorry about that. I have moved it to a better category.

Well, these live chat features are usually third-party tools that you can integrate into Sitejet.

Like these, for example: Best Live Chat Software 2022: Our 20 Favorite Tools

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Very interesting information. Thank you.
Is there a list with common third party tools available that work perfectly with Sitejet?

Hey @Barbara_Bichler - I hope that the community will give their review here on some tools. I have seen some chats implemented but do not know which sides these were to check.

In my opinion, it should be easy to implement the code for most of these tools.

Myself, I have not yet implemented a live chat myself. Did not have to.

Just an example of what definitely works: In Sitejet, we use Helpscout for all the ticketing and support at the moment - there is also a live chat feature available.