How do I add a column to an existing block?


Is there a way to add columns to an existing block?

I found this “Layout” panel when working with my footer:

But I want to do that for my header and there isn’t a Layout panel anymore. (I can’t add another picture, so you’ll have to take my word for it.)

In fact in most blocks I can’t find a Layout panel that would enable me to add columns to an existing block. Where do I find this function on those occasions where there isn’t a Layout option?

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Hi, anyone? Adding a column is pretty basic to any builder. I’m sure it’s not hard; I just can’t see how to do it. Little help?

Hi! The column paradigm is so old, SiteJet uses Flexbox (yes, there are some columns presets to make things easier for people used with this paradigm).

I’m not sure that I’ve understood what you want to achieve … Why to you need a “column” ? and where, maybe you don’t need it at all (the Menu Bar Preset also uses FlexBox).

Can you show us a wireframe to what kind of layout you want to achieve for your header?

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Hi! Thanks for the help Lucian. I don’t design on SiteJet but I have been instructed to by a client, so I don’t yet understand “flexbox” and the like.

I want to add some elements to the right of the menu like this “Log in” button:

(Hopefully you can see the image.) I don’t want it to be a menu item, so I would ordinarily change this section into a three-column section, not two, and add the extra elements to the third column. How do I do this on SiteJet?

Hi! This is easy to do in SiteJet.
I’ve made a video (with audio) explaining how to do it. For the right item(Log in) I’ve used another Menu element, but you can use a Button.

Hope this helps

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Thanks so much. It was kind of you to go to all that effort. The problem I was having was that items were stacking vertically and I did not know how to get them to move up alongside the other items. On Elementor I would add columns and adjust column widths. I will try to follow your video if I get stuck. This has helped a lot.