[CW 17.2024] 2 New Website Templates

:large_blue_diamond: Hey Sitejetters,

we have a litte something for you before the week ends: 2 new website templates :star_struck:

1. Academix
This is our latest addition to the Education & Culture section. With Academix, you can easily create a website for a learning platform or similar topics like language schools, education, and training centers. Check out: https://www.template-academix.de.rs/

2. Help & Care
You can use this template to get started with a retirement home website or another care facility that needs an appealing and informative website. Have a look at: https://www.template-helpandcare.de.rs/

We also made a few adjustments under the hood - as always to ensure that everything is running nicely and smoothly :sunglasses:

Have an amazing day! :blush:
The Sitejet Team


:pray: Thank you, Franzi and everyone else at SiteJet for your hard work! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: