[CW 13.2021] A new" Domain Manager" and the general domain list

Hey Sitejetters,

welcome our new Domain Manager that will give you more room for maneuver and a better overview. You are now able to see more clearly if you set up your domain correctly and what is need to be done in case there is an issue.

The new overview also shows you more valuable information about your domain subscription such as pricing and runtime.

See our full help articles about all new functions.

* Help Article in English

* Help article in German

Another feature we had high up on our list for obvious reasons is our general domain list. Under “Domains” in the menu bar you will now find a full list of all domains, their function and status and information about the subscription.

Edit: In case you wondered before , the email address no longer has to be unique when registering a domain :wink:

Really looking forward to your feedback :slight_smile:

Your Sitejet-Team


Can we give access to clients to edit DNS settings?

Hey there, that is not possible inside the CRM. We decided against it is possible to break a lot if you are not familiar with the technical side.

This is disapointing. We are the only domain provider that does not give this access to the clients.