How can I - as a non coder - identify and remove unused javascript and CSS in order to speed up my website? My website speed seems to be pretty ok on desktop (90) but horrible on mobile (60).
And second question: which free tools are you using in order to convert images to webp?
hope you are doing okay Well, if you have no experience in code I strongly advise against removing code yourself. However, I am sure the community here will help out, if you need any help.
60 is not really THAT bad and I see Google page speed more like a guideline or benchmark @Lucian_Dinu actually gave a great answer about that here:
If you like, please give us the link to your website, and we have a look with you.
Second question: If you do not use Photoshop e.g. you could probably use any free converter that you find via a search. Like this one here: WEBP Converter | CloudConvert
I will definitely NOT play with removing code myself! But I wondered if I make seriouse mistakes when building Sitejet websites.
I have seen the “unused JS” information on each website I build with Sitejet so far. So I can ignore it for the moment as it is “normal”? Do I understand this right?
A future client of mine checked my website in Google Page Speed and wondered if these results are good enough (and what my opinion is about this). I took it also like a guideline but - yes - I think I could do a few things to improve (like using webp format etc.) I just have Photoshop Elements and PS Express so I will use the converter tool you suggested.
Ah great! Yes, I can see that the pictures is a big issue. Pictures in the right dimensions and format. I suppose, the performance should be much better when these issues are solved