Unable to set the height of an image

Hi! I’m unable to set the the height for an image at the mobile breakpoint.

Here is a video with the issue:

Project ID: 329197

P.S I’ve already refresh/reloaded/hard-reloaded the Webpage/CMS

Hi @Lucian_Dinu,

I copied the image container with the same image and replaced it with the image container in the screencast. It is working now!

Hi @Martin I’m afraid it still not working. I think is an issue with the Image element (I have multiple problems with it including this one)
Once I set the image to be absolute on desktop, and then set the image to relative to on mobile, the Image element breaks .
Here is a video on how to reproduce the issues (audio included)

Hi @Martin
Here is another video with similar issues on the Image element, basically the Image element breaks and I’m not able to set the size of the image.

Video (audio included)

Hi! Are there any news on this? Is this something that you are working on to fix it. Right now the Image Element is broken and I can’t really use it.

Hey @Lucian_Dinu, yes we’re on it. I will get back to you tomorrow on this since I’m waiting on feedback about this from the team :slight_smile:

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@Lucian_Dinu Sorry for the delay! I didn’t forget about you, but we are still working on this. I will get back to you asap!

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