Hi all. I use software to manage our med spa. The software is called Boulevard and it has a book now overlay function.
The following goes into the header (which I believe is the same as the meta section under SEO Settings section). Then, I’m supposed to be able to have a button link to #book-now and it should open. I have removed the business ID since it’s probably unique and important to keep private. Does anyone have any ideas about how to make this work? They have instructions for Wordpress, WIX, Square, Weebly, etc. but not SiteJet (so rude).
I would first to complain to Boulevard. How dare they to ignore such an important website builder like sitejet? Maybe you make an ordinary sitejet button with an external link to your boulevard?
Hey there,
Thank you for your post.
It is not easy to help without some important details like Website ID and maybe a link to the documentation from Boulevard. Where exactly would that tool be integrated on the site? A dedicated subpage?
I am happy to take a small peak to see if there is anything unusual you would have to do or maybe something is blocking the tool. But just so you know, I can not give extensive support on external tools.
Thanks in advance. Here’s the page with details about setting up the overlay and it might have the information you’re looking for: Installing the Self-Booking Overlay: WordPress | Boulevard Support Center
And here’s my current website (built with Rapidweaver). The overlay works properly on it currently if you click the Book Now button on the top left of the page. https://discoveryskinworks.com/
Looks like I was able to make it work on a test site.
after adding the script into the meta section under SEO Settings, I made a button and these are the settings I used:
Hey there,
Yes, that should work as it seems to be the same update as the other site. And flying over the documentation for Wordpress that is exactly what you have to do in Sitejet as well. Just the locations and the method to add are a little bit different.
So, you are good to go?
Yes. Thanks! It’s great to feel the support from this community. So far, building sites has been a dream.
Thank you! Happy website building!