Revealing Footer - Sticky Footer with Reveal Effect

Example: How to Create a Sticky Footer Reveal with Divi

Does anyone know how to setup a sticky footer that has a “reveal” effect? I want the page to scroll and make it seem like the page is on TOP of the footer and the footer is UNDERNEATH.

Am I overthinking it and it is just a setting I am not seeing in the editor?

Hey @Nayeli_Mixon that is an interesting effect.

Currently, we only position → sticky top and not → bottom


That means, that you would need CSS to realize this.

Before you do this, please make sure, that all containers on the website do have a background. Otherwise it would look weird :smiley:

Create a CSS class :


then, please add

.sticky-footer {
    position: sticky;
    bottom: 0;
    z-index: -1;    

… to the CSS.

We will add this as a feature request though as this might be quite interesting for other users as well.

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I will try this method again!

Each time I added a negative Z index my footer would “glitch” in the editor and I was unable to click on it or edit it anymore. I had to recreate my website 3 times!

I ended up “faking it”. I deleted my footer and added a container with an interactive map background. Then I added 100% paralax to the map container, and VOILA! It LOOKS like the effect I was going for. So for now, this will work for me until I can figure out how to do this to an actual Footer where I can add CTA’s.

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Hey @Nayeli_Mixon I understand that selecting that container can be a challenge once you made the settings. Are you aware of our navigator feature?

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Looks like I just found it! I did not know about this before. This is excellent, thank you!

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Wonderful! Yes, that is it :slight_smile: Should make your workflow much easier :heart: