I have a problem with the text in the icon list. The text is always moved to the next line in the middle of the word in inappropriate places. is there any way to fix this problem?
Thanks for your help.
I have a problem with the text in the icon list. The text is always moved to the next line in the middle of the word in inappropriate places. is there any way to fix this problem?
Thanks for your help.
@Tobias_Abendroth you can out-comment one line in the Code Config tab. When you are in the Code Config tag, you can press ctrl + f and search for “.icon-list-box” and out-comment the word-break: break-all;
so it looks like this:
.icon-list-box {
//Column Settings
@include flex-grid-column(
$margin: $margin,
$grow: $grow,
$columns: $columns,
$max-width: true,
$ie: true
position: relative;
background: $box-background;
@include media-constructor(margin, extend-constructor('calc(',$margin,' /2)'));
@include media-constructor(font-size, $text-fz-headline);
@include media-constructor(border-width, $border-width-primary);
border: {
style: $border-style-primary;
color: $border-color-primary;
//Border Radius
@include media-constructor(border-radius, $border-radius-primary);
//Box Shadow
@include media-constructor(box-shadow, $box-shadow-primary);
.ed-headline {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
//word-break: break-all;
//Break fix
@include media-constructor(max-width, extend-constructor('calc(100% - ', $icon-padding, ' *2'), extend-constructor(' - ', $border-width-secondary, ' *2'), extend-constructor(' - ', $fz-icon, ')'));
@include media-constructor(padding, $padding);
Thank you very much @PabloT . That worked.