Hover Options for containers and elements

Hi Sitejetters,

I want to add a hover effect to containers and images. I don’t find the settings to do that. I am a non-coder and don’t know CSS at all. Is there a no-code way to do that in Sitejet?

so far as I know, there is no real hover effect setting, where you can set fancy hover effects, just to change the color on hover in the website design settings.

What you can do is, to google for nice hover effect CSS code, copy the CSS and paste it into the website code manager in the CSS tab. Then create a new CSS class for it and apply the CSS class name in the element style tab under ID & classes

CSS class:

.css-class-name-example {
paste CSS properties and values in here

Thanks for reply Pablo, is there a video tutorial that I can watch?

@Praveen_Singh maybe this short video could help you to understand: Learn CSS in 20 Minutes - YouTube

You can add any CSS class to the element > Style > ID & classes


Thanks a lot.