[CODE] Better Easing Gradients (SCRIM Gradient)

Hey everyone!

I have been using this simple SCSS from Matthew Beta for creating automatic color stops in a gradient to eliminate the gray, washed-out middle values that 2 color-stop gradients make.

Article on the Problem: Easing Linear Gradients | CSS-Tricks

GitHub Gist: A simple little SCSS mixin for creating scrim gradients · GitHub

Code Itself:

A simple little SCSS mixin for creating scrim gradients
Inspired by Andreas Larson - https://github.com/larsenwork

@mixin scrimGradient($startColor: $color-black, $direction: 'to bottom') {

  $scrimCoordinates: (
    0: 1,
    19: 0.738,
    34: 0.541,
    47: 0.382,
    56.5: 0.278,
    65: 0.194,
    73: 0.126,
    80.2: 0.075,
    86.1: 0.042,
    91: 0.021,
    95.2: 0.008,
    98.2: 0.002,
    100: 0

  $hue: hue($startColor);
  $saturation: saturation($startColor);
  $lightness: lightness($startColor);
  $stops: ();

  @each $colorStop, $alphaValue in $scrimCoordinates {
    $stop: hsla($hue, $saturation, $lightness, $alphaValue) percentage($colorStop/100);
    $stops: append($stops, $stop, comma);

  background: linear-gradient(unquote($direction), $stops);


I hope you find this useful! Give it a start on Github if you do!